Two grants of $200 each are available annually to KSWLA members for a classroom project need.
Any creative idea is worthy, but we do not fund teacher training or travel. The application process is simple: Fill out the application by clicking the button below and include:
a goal statement;
a budget; and
a project description.
Preference will be given to proposals with clear intent related to language-learning standard implementation that will impact ALL learners. The grant will be awarded at the KSWLA Conference. Recipients will report on completed projects by presenting a session at the following Conference or by writing an article for the Newsletter.
Deadline for grant proposals is June 1st. For more information, contact the KSWLA Past President (
| Goal Statement | Budget | Project Description | Benefits to Students |
Exceeds Expectations | Goals of the project are clearly stated with examples of how students would meet the goals. Statement also includes standards or best practices. | N/A | Project description is professionally written and shows clear intent to implement standards AND to improve classroom culture, interculturality, and language acquisition/proficiency-oriented instruction. Provides research to show the value of the fulfilled need. | Project shows clear evidence of how it will be beneficial to ALL students. |
Meets Expectations | Goals of the project are clearly stated with examples of how students would meet the goals. | At or below $200 | Project description is professionally written and shows clear intent to implement standards AND to improve classroom culture, interculturality, or language acquisition/proficiency-oriented instruction. | Project shows clear evidence of how it will be beneficial to MOST students. |
Approaching expectations | Goals of the project are stated which infer how students would meet the goals. | N/A | Project description is professionally written and infers intent to implement standards OR to improve classroom culture, interculturality, or language acquisition/proficiency-oriented instruction. | Project shows clear evidence of how it will be beneficial to SOME students. |
Below Expectations | No clear goals expressed. | N/A | Project description is not professionally written and does not address standards, etc. | Project shows clear evidence of how it will be beneficial to FEW students. |
Previous Recipients
No applicant
Cynthia Hershberger, Mathetes Christian High School
No applicant
Kassy Miller, Louisburg High School "Enhancing Technology Integration and Non-Textbook-Related Resources
Bonnie Orozco, Ellsworth High School"Digital Media Access and Presentational Communication"
Chandler Ochoa, Newton High School, "Virtual Reality Headsets"
Laia Tena Girones, Mead High School/A+ Network, "Photo Albums"
Hollie Timson, Colby High School, "Videocameras for Cultural Commercials"
Stephanie French, Olathe South High School, "Airplane Atmosphere"
Mary Smith, Gardner-Edgerton High School, "Spanish IV Storybooks"
No applicant
No applicant
Amelia Adams, Liberal, West Middle School, "Foreign Language Fair"
Pat Wittry, Baldwin High School, "Lo Más TV"
Merri Archibald, Spanish market stations
No applicant
No applicant
Anke M. Wells, Seaman High School, "Soccer Fans"
No applicant
Tanya Farrar, Harmony Middle School, French music CD's
Alice J. Russell, Wellsville High School, Video Camera
Debbie Withers, Pratt High School, Puppets
Penny Armstrong, Pittsburg Schools, Spanish Children's Storybooks